Our Services

Forum or ‘Fishbowl’ Theatre

Two or more actors run a scripted scene demonstrating issues such as entrenched ideas, workplace inefficiencies and lack of cultural inclusion. The audience suggest changes in behaviour or language. The actors then replay the scene with the suggested improvements. Forum Theatre is often used to explore emotive or controversial topics. It’s designed to stimulate debate, develop learning and modify behaviour.

Key Outcomes:

  • Participants observe workplace interactions played out in an unthreatening, entertaining forum.
  • Thought-provoking scenarios provide a springboard for constructive, lively discussion.
  • Learnings are shared in a group environment, with participants contributing reflections and ideas.

Role Play

Participants engage in face-to-face conversations with actors, simulating real workplace interactions. They can try new approaches, rehearse new strategies and put theory into practice in a supportive, safe environment. Through authentic conversations with a ‘real’ character, participants are sensitively challenged and gain significant insights into their own competencies and style.

Key Outcomes:

  • Specifically designed scenarios create authentic, high-gain conversations.
  • Participants’ capabilities are developed or assessed in an active, practical setting.
  • Participants receive immediate feedback on their approach, style and impact.
  • Participants practise coaching and communication models in a safe environment.

Real Play

Participants rehearse challenging conversations in a safe, supportive environment. They bring details of a difficult conversation they need to have in the workplace. The actor is briefed on the character, circumstances and issues. The conversation then plays out with the participant ‘road testing’ skills and ideas and receiving constructive feedback.

Key Outcomes:

  • Participants are highly engaged in the process because they draw upon their real-life interactions to create the scenarios.
  • Briefing the actor on the issues helps the participant organise their thinking, and often sparks insights before the real play begins.
  • Participants ‘road test’ strategies and frameworks they’ve learned in authentic, safe simulations.
  • Participants quickly gain insights into their own – and others’ – behaviour.

Presence & Impact workshops

These sessions provide technical and practical exercises that help participants realise the full potential of their vocal and physical style. Conducted as either one-on-one coaching or with groups, face-to-face or online. Using the expertise of professional actors, CAA guides participants through processes that create confidence and presence.

Key Outcomes:

  • Participants develop straightforward skills and techniques for speaking with assurance and impact.
  • Participants get practical insights into how voice and body language create effective communication.
  • Participants gain confidence in their ability to shape a message through rhythm, pausing and tone.

Program Design and Development

We provide end to end delivery of development initiatives. We design, develop and write training programs, based on best practice from social and organisational psychology.

Recruitment Process

Our actors have extensive experience in delivering credible, challenging roleplays within the recruitment process, allowing employers to assess in real time the communication skills, adaptability, and emotional and social intelligence of applicants.
